Lol ideas

ArchivesFeature requests → Lol ideas


lol, I got some lols we can lol at! LOL!

“Did you know the word gullible is not in the dictionary?” “Things we hate: Lists, Irony, and Recursion.” “We know caps can be useful, but there is one on how many you can use.” “I registered, give me Op!” “Come to my vanilla server! Just do /register and start playing!” “I don’t need sex, the government fucks me every day”


“permissionsex? Disgusting.” “SPAM WHALE WHALE WHALE WHALE WHALE” “Accepted your teleport request.”
“Come to my vanilla server! Just do /register and start paying!” xD

It’s not by me, I unfortunately forgot who sent it, but I’ve seen this on the server chat: “After tuesday, even the calendar goes WTF”


I got 2: “I made an Etho Trapdoor!” “I made the fastest Etho door :O”

You can tell I don’t like etho doors :P

The ethos trapdoor one is already in?
a few completely random ones: “Who’s Dico?” “What did I build again?” “lolwutnow?” “it’s a whosawhatsit!!!” “whats a lol?”
“7lol” “&f&4=&2No. Just no.” (Those are the backup colors ;))

Heres some!

“&4If you don’t do it, Ill kill your family… &bJust A Friendly Warning :D” “ILL KILL YOU UNTILL YOU DIE!” “My little bro has been doing that like… SINCE I WAS BORN!” “Dear Math, Grow up and start solving your own problems.” “Im not saying your stupid, you just have bad luck when it comes to thinking” “Im too short or youre too tall” “Why cant I use /op :(” “WTF, why are all the names coloured?” “The glass is 2x larger than it needs to be.” “U mac bro?” “LUL*”