Plot information pop up?

RedstonerFeature requests → Plot information pop up?


Here is a gif of what happens when you join a plot on another server I found.

I thought it was pretty neat and wondered what you think.

It helps showcase who owns the plot, rather than having to do /p i every time you wonder.

Yes, it may look invasive and become annoying, but we could tweak it to fit more to our liking.

Just an idea. :)

I like this, although I think it should be optional for each player.
If it’s optional, I definitely like the idea. +1
If it’s optional, +1 from me too, even though I won’t use it.
Not the easiest thing in the world to get working, but it wouldn’t be off the scope of what we can do. We may have to read the owner’s name from the sign on the plot corners :p
Personally I’d like it to be just above the hotbar in small text. I think that would be less of an obstruction and would generally be cleaner IMO.
How about a world guard greeting, works just as well, and shows up in chat not in huge letters across your screen
yeah doom, i think a notification in chat would be better than an obnoxious title command - especially if you can consider that you might be flying through a lot of plots in quick succession.
I still think, @Doomblah @Oscargot_ That it would be less of an obstruction if the plot info was just above the hotbar, like Arma said, that it would be even less of an obstruction as when flying over plots our chat won’t be filled with “Someone’s plot: 87;420”
+1 We can use the item name text area of it’s possible. If not, we can use the action bar.
Since this is accepted I can say this is a feature in plotsquared which we use as our plot plugin at the moment. So iirc there is a config option to make it, not sure about the toggle though, but can look into that too.