Report TheUberKid
Redstoner → Blames → Report TheUberKid
Full username of the player you are reporting (ingame name)
what happened exactly TheUberKid came to my plot and killed me with a potion i clicked respawn but it didnt work!
Failed attempts
What have you tried before posting clicking respawn
If location is relevant, post a list of locations including World and x/y/z coordination or the plot owner and the plot number My own plot
Time(span) of the incident. The date and time MUST be given in UTC time and MUST follow the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. 2014-8-4 19:57 (for me)
Did any grief occur? If so, where? no grief
Please post video evidence/screenshots if available Can someone else confirm the issues you’re having? TheUberKid also throwed it on varioustoxins
oh and i cant respawn!
Mijnn, you were being racist to americans and saying we were all fat. In my books, thats bannable, and I did my best to approximate a ban.
Then you insulted fatman and stereotypically assumed he was american.
You said we ‘all ate 6 hamburgers a day’
thats true but that isnt a reason to use a bannable item on me. im also very sorry for my sayings but it was because that racist jokes
to russia so it was payback :|
and building on my plot
We never said any racist jokes.
Name one racist joke we made.
wait why did i get the temp ban?
Because 5 people were against you, and 1 person was for you
in soviet (russia) (something) watches u!
but america was watching my country’s ALL people’s cellphones!
Here on this server, it’s a mighty fine democracy
it even says:
dont abuse the report section
and you did
No, we said In Soviet Nether you dont complain about lagtop, lagtop complains about you.
plus, it was a lol, so we couldn’t control what it says anyway
oh… then i readed/wret it wrong xD but even then u builded on my plot and u killed me with a potion and i couldnt respawn
when using /lol it picks a random lol. you can’t choose what lol you get
oh then im very sorry… but throwing a potion which cant let me respawn is a bot too much
Well, it was payback for profusely insulting america, saying we were all fatasses, saying we ate 6 hamburgers a day, and saying obama sucks (which I agree)
wtf i didnt say obama sucks!
Oh well then your friend did
It is true that a potion was thrown on me that killed me and crashed me. It also made it so you cant respawn… It was used with all knowledge this would happen, he did it so mijn could not stop TheUberKid’s /up grief
yup! btw vari u said obama sucks?
All i did was write RUSSIA SUCKS in a flat empty area
All i did was write RUSSIA SUCKS in a flat empty area
but if i wouldt written:
u would probably trip
btw that america is fattest country in world was a fun fact not ment to be racist D:
Anyway, you get banned for an hour, discussion closed, no more racism, and ban appeal if you have to.
wait… what is the fattest country now then?
really now i want to know xD
Stop spamming, my emails are getting flooded. Discussion closed.
but IK i was wrong about the fattest thing… but it report was because ur bannable doings
Also, you did /report a million times, according to ip.
I think obama is a pretty cool guy. In fact I have many good American friends. I did not join in on the ‘racism’ convosation
oh america is number 2# fattest country now! well done mexico!
no i kinda like america… because of all that guns xD but it was a fun fact from a documentary i saw
Please stop chatting/spamming. I already got 20 emails.
spam xD ok ill stop we ok?
What did I get splashed with to make me crash?
This post is now locked. Next time let staff handle issues, I do not want to see stuff like this in the report forum.
This thread is locked.