much year such wow very excite

RedstonerOther → much year such wow very excite

Today (Jan 27th), I’ve been playing on Redstoner a whole year! Within that time, I have made loads of really great friends and even become staff!

So thank you to @Barrygold_ for accidentally mentioning the server and its IP at lunch last year, it truly has changed my life xD

Thank you everyone for an amazing first year and I hope that the next one will be just as good, if not better.


EDIT: Barry just skyped me this:

“Considering that I lost my password for redstoners site because my computer is made by fools, could you possibly add a little edit from me on your post thanking you for the honourable mention, and the time we’ve had on the server? Thanks c:”

Thanks again Barru

I remember your name written in Gray now xD

And then it became white, then And then red xD

In the upcoming year, try to make a 2x2 seamless door.

@ATastyCookie I think redstone will never really be something I’m good at, my brain just isn’t made for it! I will continue to shout at you all and turn your fuckups into memes C:
That’s logal’s one job @PyjamaL1ama don’t steal it
@Nyxeon Nah Logal’s just Redstoner’s NSA.
@PyjamaL1ama you can always be the CIA tho…
@PyjamaL1ama but the LogalMemes…

NSA - Night Sees All


Is there no possible way to know when you joined….?
Records are kept, just ask a mod or something.
Nyx,profile on users

@Kyxin I’m not that retarded, I wanted to know the EXACT DATE.

@TheBakonCanadian However, I do know that Most of the records from a year ago were removed.

Hey look it’s me who begun it :O
I like how weve been om almost the same ammount XD
@BurgerDeLeScrub Nice necropost mate.
That makes no sense.