Finding People From Redstoner on other Servers
Off topic → Minecraft related → Finding People From Redstoner on other Servers
Note: its pretty much more than a week ago except the mineplex (shitplex) one
I saw Luc_diable at shitplex skywars
I saw stomachfoot, thesaltyspoon, danielderpxd (somederp_), c2lredstone, nyxis, peony_, and blaze (with the numbers that i dont even remember) at hypixel skywars Note: the hypixel one,we became one big party lel
Not to necropost, but I just noticed this post, and I’d like to mention that I saw @KILLAGIB4 while playing Skype wars with @TheSaltySpoon, idk where Killa went (I think he died or left), but that do was definitely luck, just. . . Luck
Dunno if spewn remembers. . .
I, multiple times saw epmech in a game of hypixel haha
Please stick this
i found @HitzCritz on mp just now, twas an interesting encounter.
would’ve uploaded chat (which was lulz) but puush is being difficult atm
use imgur or something
no, i like puush, not everything i make is automatically shared.
@Redempt boi, you said like the first 20 numbers of pi. ok it didn’t go over a line in chat but that’s still a long string of numbers that server no real purpose besides to contribute to the spam of numbers everyone was already saying, which creative-craft determines to be as spam. You even complained to an admin and he said i was right and that was considered spam. Don’t come on here and say it’s unfair when the rules/higher staff at creative-craft says it’s fair.
Anyways nice seeing you on there :)
If it were something RANDOM like “sokgjbsojgbhiysatg97st” then yes
Pi is not random or useless
Plus someone had asked for a number in chat, so I just said pi
Last comment from me, because this thread wasn’t meant for this kind of discussion:
Should have been a verbal warning, that warning counts as 1/4 of a ban. If it didn’t, I wouldn’t have disputed it, but I thought it was too small a matter to get me 1/4 the way to an automatic ban
@Redempt Ok for a server as large as creativecraft network, the rules are more heavily enforced since being lenient in someways will make people feel entitled to pushing the limits and occasionally breaking rules. Also the warnings are 1/4 of a tempban of 1 day (just one day nothing crazy like a week) but after a warning is a kick then a mute. A person is typically not warned more than 2 times in a session and the seccond time is due to another staff warning without knowing that the person was already warned. Rarely if ever does anyone get 4 warnings in one or two days. unless they’re obnoxious about breaking rules or staff were each different or the warnings were given at times decently far apart from each other. And if a verbal warning is given to something that you may consider is little, then many others who were also warned for similar punishments will also complain and it’ll be bad. Also verbal warnings are given to things that are far less excessive than the first 20 numbers in pi. If you did something like the first 7 numbers, ok verbal, but you sure didn’t do just a little bit of pi. I may have a screenshot of what you said and if I do, I’m more than happy to share. Redstoners doesn’t ever come to close to how many people can be on creative craft at some times so i don’t expect you to understand how different the standards are for following rules are and how staff are to enforce rules. So i suggest you suck it up and understand, you broke rules you get punished. That’s the end of it. All you’re doing here is complaining and whining over something petty. There was no reason for you to bring that issue over to the forums here, by doing so it only shows that you are childish and hold grudges over things that were already settled. If you act like this and you’re staff of a server it doesn’t give a good light to the server as well as to the other staff of the server, whom i respect, so i suggest you stop acting like a child and accept that you broke rules and got punished. I’m only saying this to make you understand how you are wrong with what you are trying to prove or argue especially with that last comment you made.
This is my last comment.
@minenash ok i should’ve made this more obvious but it was implied, a lot of people were saying numbers in chat and i was telling people to stop but before i said anything i saw two people say obnoxiously long numbers in the giant mess of numbers being spammed so i officially warned those two people one of whom was redempt.
also @Redempt if it’s a joke make sure make it more obvious, nothing in your comment made it look like a joke. remember over the internet, it’s hard to tell a joke from serious statements unless it’s very obvious
(sorry for necropost, but I didn’t want to make a dupe thread) I was playing Hypixel Skywars, and someone rushed me. It was @Nyxify, who I assisted killing then later died to.