Import Schematics
Website → Website feature requests → Import Schematics
Theres always been //schematic save to here. Theres never been a way to take a personal schematic and import it to Redstoner. What if there was an upload to the schematics page, so we could move builds from single player to Redstoner
Omg, I thought I was the only one thinking this would be cool, I was wrong! :D
I feel like there could possibly be issues with this, but I don’t know what they are, so… +1
bump everyone!
So you can upload schematics? I’m for that. +1
How long until this will be implemented?
Also: +1
@Ralp Do not get your hopes up, almost all suggestions never get implemented. :<
Hacker thats because most suggestions suck. This clearly dosen’t
Yes many do, but you are failing to see the dozen good ideas that the community wants, but never got implemented.
Truth. I just wish we had more developers and programmers. D:
Yea, more developers, would be nice.
+1 I could probably learn some more web-dev languages and help out :P
There will be some problems with this. If the schematic is too large, loading it could cause an OutOfMemoryError. I guess we could limit the filesize to prevent that though. There’s little point for someone to do that though… WorldEdit actions are limited to 10201 blocks if I recall correctly. The only players that could use it are builders and above, so I suggest we also add a role check and make sure the uploader in question is logged in to a builder+ account. If these conditions can be met, I’m all for this idea :)
Just hope jomo and/or futsy are capable of implementing a file uploader thing. I’m sure they are :D
Maybe add a feature for staff to check history of imports?
@LogalCoder with the file problem you mentioned. I think it is possible to check for a specific type of file extension, so if it isn’t the one that the schematics use it won’t get accepted.
This is just a theory since I don’t have so much knowledge about using/checking files with ruby, but I think it is plausible.