/mchat and /set MchatJoinMsg
Archives → Feature requests → /mchat and /set MchatJoinMsg
I’ve already typed this up once but fucking amazon deleted it because their back button doesn’t fucking work
#What I want
/mchat /set mchatjoinmsg
#What do they do?
/mchat - It teleports you to a lobby where you cannot build, punch other people, and only talk. It also denies every teleport. Move to get out of /mchat mode.
/set mchatjoinmsg - It removes “someone has joined using minechat with an ipineapple 420” and replaces it with “someone joined using minechat!”
#Why is this useful?
I’ve been getting a lot of tpas when I’m in minechat and for some reason everybody asks why I deny them. It takes far too much effort to explain every time.
Maybe /mchat should also enable /busy? Instead of denying requests. Instead of saying you are busy though, it says you are in minechat.
@Evanis_ basically what @IDontRedstone
That’s why I did that
“someone has joined using minechat with an ipineapple 420”
Good idea Nyx, Prob your first and last xD