Post Pictures of YOU!!!
Off topic → Other → Post Pictures of YOU!!!
Let’s see who’s made of iron… who’s up for it, eh? That’s it folks! Down below, post pictures of yourself! Please no ranting talks about other things, try to keep it all on topic…. if ya feel like it, rate other people >:D
Peace out! I’m not going first -_-
Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-
AND PEOPLE, no other “pics” of “you” like different characters from movies etc
If you’re up to it, post your ethnicity / age if ya want
(From left to right) Me, Cubehamster, HikkMC, Dico, Fenno, Sidney, CubemasterXD (blurred out)
image fixed by hacker/pj
Wow. I really need to go to minecon sometime to actully meet some people.
Or I could just post a photo sometime… Maybe… Or staff could just try to find me on my email website (not too hard)…
Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-
Bump because I posted my picture.
I took the picture of the salt ^-^
@Oscargot_ Actually we have a waitrose right by our school. :P
According to @Nyxis and @LogalCoder I’m sexy….. O.o
Just took dis now…
Well, I just lost my anonymous identity
I’ma sexy beast
Turns out im not ded and my email still gets all these notifications :[]
i will post one soon hehe
Ok here I am, Deedo. In all my awesome deedo-ness. I w0t m9. This pic is a lil old so i look a tad different now, but here’s an idea of what i look like
Image fixed by PJ
@PyjamaL1ama tbh… drumroll…once again… i actually love drumming too lel but i wanna see more pics on this forum! cough, pj, cough, mikey, cough cookie >:D
nah, @Aberdeened ur the beut <3
Awwwwww Thanks Deeedo <3
I already knew that though…
@AttanabilRS ==Test your manly hood!==
why the devil are people reserving spots, just FREAKING POST THEM ALREADY >:D lol
@PyjamaL1ama i don’t drum professionally or anything, but I love drumming at friends houses. I also make beats on my chest and thies haha. wait what happened to aberdeened
@Deeedo Ifkr, stop reserving spots and just post -.-
@SebTheSir @SmashDoesMC @KukkiRedstun @ArhurValk @Evbo we’re looking at you >:D
I drum at school (I don’t have a kit at home, cri) and Aberdeened was given a week-long tempban from the forums for constant necroposting.
How do you display pics properly? image fixed by curs3d
Edit: Hmm, camera seems a bit blurry Edit #2: Should I post a pic of @FullyStealth ? >:)
@Curs3d NO.
You can post a pic of you tho :>
it’s me :D
Image fixed by PJ
Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-
AND PEOPLE, no other “pics” of “you” like different characters from movies etc
Nyx, have you seen (or heard) any of my recent videos?
Or just ask @FullyStealth about it.
This was 2006.
And this 2015 with some random guy and a trophy.
@DaanNos I thought you were that old guy for a minute…
here you go, bois!
Cube: Yuexiao (no its not my main, i just bought it at the comp xdd)
My OH record is 3ish minutes
Whats your two hand record fly?
Sorry if this is off topic btw xD
Stom,dont get offended but
R u a boi or a gurl, dem hairz look long in the thumbnail
Dem offtopic sowwy no other way to contact stom ;*;
I could show you my face, but one part of my brain is telling me not to.
Should I?
Face reveal:
Where ever you will look for me You won’t find me -Anonymous same as always looking sheep :)
I don’t wanna put an IRL pic so here’s a cruddy MS Paint:
Well it’s about time isn’t it…
This is me, with my head in my ass as always. Note: Actually a picture of my cat, Peaches
==Edit brought to you by Futsy inc.==
please don’t assume my gender
Coz why the fuck not
Kp ur beard tottally turns me on Marry me please <3
Alright who added the “marry me please” sure as shit it wasnt me
Slightly less gay me: Spot the differnence
And thats just the forward facing camera on my phone =P Am i as prepubecent as you were expecting?
mk m8
#####edgeless replies brought to you by Clikz_
Challenge fucking accepted
fuckin sexy bitch
Reminds me from someone else
Cough @AttanabilRs
Here’s me again same pic, but I’m updating this, because can someone tell me how to make the picture (not just the link) appear in this post, like @c_c did?
![Image name, optional](actual link)
Oops forgot, I am Taiwanese (Han Chinese) American citizen by birth however
If you don’t know my real name/age, I’m not inclined to tell you :/
(Subnote: my skin isn’t naturally that dark, it’s what I get for not wearing sunscreen in Arizona)
I hope I won’t regret this
I already have many regrets in life, and a ton on this server
Fun fact: I’m older than I look
I’m 13 btw
12 btw haHAA
btw, puberty was nice to me:
@CookieRedstone Eyes r less retarded, jaw sorted itself out, I got a better haircut and I also shaved
oh and I also fixed tf out of my eyebrows but I keep quiet about that one
yo fuck you people are allowed to see my ugly ass red cheeked face again, i always look dead so no bitching.
also fuck formatting n shit i cba
i’ll probs delete later so take your chance n fucking look at it.
Roses are red Violets are blue I update this thread Because fuck you
oui oui baguette
turning 17 and a half soon ! alt text
Seeing as max got it before, here’s an updated me i guess