Post Pictures of YOU!!!

Off topicOther → Post Pictures of YOU!!!

Let’s see who’s made of iron… who’s up for it, eh? That’s it folks! Down below, post pictures of yourself! Please no ranting talks about other things, try to keep it all on topic…. if ya feel like it, rate other people >:D

Peace out! I’m not going first -_-


Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-

AND PEOPLE, no other “pics” of “you” like different characters from movies etc

If you’re up to it, post your ethnicity / age if ya want

pictures are outdated, its more about cheese these days

(From left to right) Me, Cubehamster, HikkMC, Dico, Fenno, Sidney, CubemasterXD (blurred out)

image fixed by hacker/pj

Congrats for being the first one @Avensol

Wow. I really need to go to minecon sometime to actully meet some people.

Or I could just post a photo sometime… Maybe… Or staff could just try to find me on my email website (not too hard)…

Why does it look like yall are cubehamsters kids? xDDDDDD
@AppaXD not funny ‘-’


Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-

Damn Dico, youz is lookin fine…
Well this happened xD Well this happened xD And this
@KPkiller1671 You look so…Welsh xD
In the first pic I thought you were eating a pickle xDDDD @KPkiller1671
xDD ahahahahah. I guess I do don’t I :P Maybe because I’m welsh :P
Kp’s beanie should be the next Redstoner Meme™
Cubehamster looks so tall! :o
pj: so you shop at waitrose and you try to tell us you’re not posh ;)
@Oscargot_ That was taken on the tech desk in my school’s auditorium, it’s not my salt. In fact, nobody knows why it’s there.

Bump because I posted my picture.

I took the picture of the salt ^-^

@Oscargot_ Actually we have a waitrose right by our school. :P

According to @Nyxis and @LogalCoder I’m sexy….. O.o

Just took dis now… img

Well, I just lost my anonymous identity

You look tired Barru @Barrygold21
Might post a picture… I’ll update this one when I feel like :). I want more people to share though lol
lmao @SmashDoesMC I’m salt and nobody made fun of me :)
@PyjamaL1ama trolololol

Turns out im not ded and my email still gets all these notifications :[]

i will post one soon hehe

Ok here I am, Deedo. In all my awesome deedo-ness. I w0t m9. This pic is a lil old so i look a tad different now, but here’s an idea of what i look like


Image fixed by PJ


reserving a spot here aswell
The real question is, which guys will post a pic of their bod heh in all their sexy muscle-ness
Might post mine ‘-’
@Deeedo Did you say drum roll? grabs sticks :D

@PyjamaL1ama tbh… drumroll…once again… i actually love drumming too lel but i wanna see more pics on this forum! cough, pj, cough, mikey, cough cookie >:D

nah, @Aberdeened ur the beut <3

@Deeedo the salt is all you’re getting. You drum then? :P
Deedo i will post it when none of mah parents see meh, @Deeedo

Awwwwww Thanks Deeedo <3

I already knew that though…

@AttanabilRS ==Test your manly hood!==

@SmashDoesMC is veri smol :c

why the devil are people reserving spots, just FREAKING POST THEM ALREADY >:D lol

@PyjamaL1ama i don’t drum professionally or anything, but I love drumming at friends houses. I also make beats on my chest and thies haha. wait what happened to aberdeened

@Deeedo Ifkr, stop reserving spots and just post -.-

@SebTheSir @SmashDoesMC @KukkiRedstun @ArhurValk @Evbo we’re looking at you >:D

I drum at school (I don’t have a kit at home, cri) and Aberdeened was given a week-long tempban from the forums for constant necroposting.

me How do you display pics properly? image fixed by curs3d

Edit: Hmm, camera seems a bit blurry Edit #2: Should I post a pic of @FullyStealth ? >:)

@Curs3d NO.

You can post a pic of you tho :>

Well, im might be reserving a spot, because im probably going to be making a cubing comp video in a few weeks X-D

it’s me :D

Image fixed by PJ


Please only IRL selfies/pics -_-

AND PEOPLE, no other “pics” of “you” like different characters from movies etc

lol @BurgerDeLeScrub you got me there xD
Hey cookie, that was an irl pic of my hand on my irl arm so ehm STAFOOOOO
@BurgerDeLeScrub lmfao i take it that’s distorted a bit?
transferred from 3 fones to a pc, yes its fucked XD wouldve fixed it if i wasnt a lazy fuck
@BurgerDeLeScrub Fix it XD
@BurgerDeLeScrub My name’s bluuuuurryface and I care what you think
:O @CookieDeLeScrub You have glasses bro
I will post here later this week c: Some of you (ehan PJ and cookie) know how I look irl.. :P
Why is everybody so sexy and I’m just a awkward motherfucker who sounds 8 :'(
@Nyxify Same, we can suffer together :‘C
I feel the fucking same XD

Nyx, have you seen (or heard) any of my recent videos?

Or just ask @FullyStealth about it.


@DaanNos I thought you were that old guy for a minute…

@K0alaDeLeScrub your week is up

here you go, bois!


Cube: Yuexiao (no its not my main, i just bought it at the comp xdd)

Nice! Is that the championship you were talking about a while ago? What cube?
Stomach solves faster with one hand than I do with two.


My OH record is 3ish minutes

Whats your two hand record fly?

Sorry if this is off topic btw xD

@Flying_Machinez Same here. Can’t even solve one.
@AberLaWedstuner Guoguan Yuexiao

Stom,dont get offended but

R u a boi or a gurl, dem hairz look long in the thumbnail

Dem offtopic sowwy no other way to contact stom ;*;

Well I can’t even solve it with two hands and a brain… Or maybe just two hands.
GET OUT PETTY NUBS, srsly tho stay ON topic nubs <7
Btw deeeedo my face is on yt like since 2015 ._. Cookie and Burger knows :3
@MikeyMatic im a boi lmfao, i just have long hair :-P

I could show you my face, but one part of my brain is telling me not to.

Should I?

@Tsskyx Only if you feel comfortable doing so, there’s obviously no need to :P
Well I dunno ¯\(°_o)/¯
There has only been 8 real pictures so far.

Face reveal:

Where ever you will look for me You won’t find me -Anonymous same as always looking sheep :)

Guess why I call myself red, because I have a red painted butt.
Nice @SmashDoesMC

I don’t wanna put an IRL pic so here’s a cruddy MS Paint:


Well it’s about time isn’t it…

Do I see a pink giraffe? :D
Still cant believe ur 16
suh dude fresh trim recently, thought I’d post an updated irl because it’s been a while lmfao
<3 barry nice haircut little too stripy tho
Burger is mostly just because my hair’s a bit derp after I do it
@omgsalt At least you do it now, not your mum :)
Tbh i dont do my hair when its vacation cant be bothered
@PyjamaL1ama she’s stopped being a control freak a little bit (only a little lol)
You changed quite a bit since your last picture on ur last pic u kinda looked like peter pan tho lmao
@omgsalt control freak? ever met my mum?

This is me, with my head in my ass as always. Note: Actually a picture of my cat, Peaches Myself

==Edit brought to you by Futsy inc.==


please don’t assume my gender

I don’t want to break your guys’ eyes, sorry :)
I already have glasses, my eyes are already borken.
^Yes that actually is me^
Aww ty my eyes already shattered at your first pic <3
Ikr, you must be blind cuz of it D:
ty for going with me in this comment jonny… u chose wisely
@RedSheepMC I finally understood what you meant. Yes, I have a rather long neck, but that’s probably because I’m so skinny.
Not a necropost since its related cough burg cough
Ive had my hair cut since this and dont look as gay…

Coz why the fuck not

Kp ur beard tottally turns me on Marry me please <3

Alright who added the “marry me please” sure as shit it wasnt me

How tf do i upload images to the internet????(4 dem links)
KP… That beard is lookin good! snaps fingers and points at you noice.
Filthy frank is just kp
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!

Slightly less gay me: Spot the differnence

And thats just the forward facing camera on my phone =P Am i as prepubecent as you were expecting?

Please stop b4 i die from a cringeattack ;-;

mk m8

#####edgeless replies brought to you by Clikz_

fuckin sexy bitch


Reminds me from someone else

Cough @AttanabilRs

Believe me, Atta doesnt look anything like me though hes Indonesian
Wow, you’re beautiful! <3
Could people not do that^ its basically a necropost and really annoyong. If ur going to do it. Just do it
If you “preserved” a spot (which is stupid) you’re support to Edit it not make another reply.
That forum nickname is illegal, change it back to aNub before an staff gets you
I thought it was a different person :P, yeah you got 10min to fix
I changed my mc Name to iRoux so it is legal (i havent been on mc so maybe thats why )
Ah, yeah your profile still has your old username
just logged in should fix
You’re beautiful, omg
why the sideviews though
Wow, everybody looks so good. Then there’s me…
Yeh you are pretty daddy c:

Here’s me again same pic, but I’m updating this, because can someone tell me how to make the picture (not just the link) appear in this post, like @c_c did?


You have to format it ![Image name, optional](actual link)
yeah we look nothing alike nvm
Haha chong chang ching 很美丽
I’m sorry for the off topic post. But @Tsskyx, that made me laugh more than I should be.
My hair probably won’t be as spiky in a week or two alt_text Wearing BT200 Bluetooth headphones and Yamaha shades that came with my YDP-213
Yes I wear sunglasses indoors, deal with it
I wear hats indoors, I can’t judge :P
@mxkvl I bet it’s a kekdora
I wear underwear indoors
@PyjamaL1ama I do infact have a fedora, but it is not the one I wear indoors :P
@BurgerLover1 I hope you do
@mxkvl Fedora or a trilby? There’s a difference between those two, and contrary to the popular belief, trilby is the neckbeard hat, not fedora.
@Tsskyx I can assure you it’s a fedora ;)

Oops forgot, I am Taiwanese (Han Chinese) American citizen by birth however

If you don’t know my real name/age, I’m not inclined to tell you :/

(Subnote: my skin isn’t naturally that dark, it’s what I get for not wearing sunscreen in Arizona)

Crap, I meant R.O.C., at least that’s what the passport says
ayy lmao 😂😂😂

I hope I won’t regret this

I already have many regrets in life, and a ton on this server

Fun fact: I’m older than I look

Welp I’ll do this in a few years, when I don’t look like a retard. I’m 13 btw
Then why did you make a reply at all?
Dont post stuff if its not that relevant please -.-

Hi, this is me IRL


I’m 13 btw


12 btw haHAA

12 btw

accurate shirt there barru
Yes my sleep schedule is still awful, one of the things that’ll never change about me

btw, puberty was nice to me:

hi hi2 hi3

The only change I see are the glasses

@CookieRedstone Eyes r less retarded, jaw sorted itself out, I got a better haircut and I also shaved

oh and I also fixed tf out of my eyebrows but I keep quiet about that one

Puberty was definitely on your side :P
@PusheenClicker I think you look pretty handsome
Well, this photo is like 2 years old but I’m happy about it so whatever. Chinese and 17 years old at the time of this picture (20 now): me

yo fuck you people are allowed to see my ugly ass red cheeked face again, i always look dead so no bitching.

also fuck formatting n shit i cba

i’ll probs delete later so take your chance n fucking look at it.

Roses are red Violets are blue I update this thread Because fuck you

oui oui baguette

turning 17 and a half soon ! alt text

Gwj stop hitting on people :')
A more current pic (I’m 20 now). I just came out IRL with this pic! me
I’m somehow both surprised and not surprised. And I can’t explain my feeling for either.
Because I’m narcissistic, here’s another me

Seeing as max got it before, here’s an updated me i guess

Here’s a selfie I took 5 minutes ago because fuck it why not me
Free photoshoot at my uni today! me