Toggle-able chat filter
Archives → Feature requests → Toggle-able chat filter
or something) to toggle. This way, by default, chat is filtered, but can be disabled if you wish. This is the system Mineplex also uses.It seems like a difficult feature to implement with a very small return for users. People need to be aware of what happens online, and like sheep said, if they can’t cope with that, maybe MP isn’t for them quite yet.
I would like to think that most of our regular players are mature enough to keep themselves in line and not swear like sailors.
Yes, a lot of our players are mature, I can agree to that. Although I can’t really say this type of thing would be hard to implement either, I asked piggly about it a couple days ago and he seemed to like the idea and said it shouldn’t be too hard to implement.
At the very least, we should maybe change the swearing is allowed/tolerated rule to something like swearing is discouraged but is permitted.
Of course since this is a rather controversial idea, it might be best to also take in the opinions of the players and if they would use it or not.