SubsidedGibbon0 Spamming /tpa requests
Redstoner → Blames → SubsidedGibbon0 Spamming /tpa requests
The format is there so staff get a clearer perspective on what’s going on. If you don’t, it just gives them a reason to ignore this post and lock it.
All blames and appeals must use their designated format.
Like the other people here did point out, please use the format, but I will not close and/or lock it now.
Also when using /report ingame, please say what he did and if relevant where he did it, and not just his name.
and do you have any other screenshots of other spam? since I see you ask him to stop for advertising, or was it just the question of him asking you to join his server?
If that is the case it isn’t advertising if it doesn’t happen in public chat, you can share IPs to other servers in chat groups and/or private message so this wasn’t advertising.
and last but not least, where are the proof of the /tpa spam that you said he did in the title?