How did you get into cubing?

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So basically, the title says it all :P.

Example: When I was like 7 my brother got a ‘Rubiks Speedcube’ and gave up after about 10 minutes. About 2 years later, I found it on his shelf and decided to play around with it. After learning noations and blah blah blah, I started learning 3x3 with CFOP method. After solving it, I put it on my shelf and didn’t really do anything. 3 years later, I found it on my shelf and decided too become a speedcuber :D

I just got one lol

I don’t know how to solve it though :(

many, MANY years ago, my friend’s older brother was a acuber and i saw his collection, and i was like: “WUTRTHOSE” and so i got a cube, but had NO IDEA how to solve it, so i just leave it on a shelf for a LÖÖÖÖÖNG time.

MANYMUCH years later, i found out that another one of my friends' dad was a cuber and i was leik, teach me ur ways pl0x, and was really my inspiration.

Nuff said c:

I was once bored af, and saw a unsolved cube on my desk, and I was like: “Challenge accepted.” A few weeks later, I was able to solve my first Rubik’s cube. after that, it escelated quickly, with me getting my first speedcube (The Zhanchi). Once I was sub 45 with beginners method, I decided to learn Fridrich, and advance from there. I got my Aolong V2 in September 2015, dropping my times significantly. I now own 16 twistypuzzles in total, and know how to solve each and everyone of them without tutorial. I am now constantly sub 16, and know full PLL, 48 OLLs, and some F2L algs. My lookahead is my biggest point of attention at the moment, and I am happy to say that it’s steadily improving.
Barry + (PJ + Competitive Spirit) = PJ getting into cubing
My mother got me a bump cube, and a megaminx for christmas, so i went out and got a regular cube and learned that, the moved to the bump and megaminx. It only got worse from there, more and more cubes, bigger and bigger, all the way up to 11x11.