Alternative server for command-block creations

ArchivesFeature requests → Alternative server for command-block creations


Hi I propose to make a small server for command block creations for redstoner :)

The server caracteristics :

  • 5 slots
  • Flat map only
  • Trusted only
  • gamemode 1
  • bukkit if possible

Why a new server? 2 reasons:

the main server stability is preserved. If the server crashes, the main server will not be affected.

this server will be joined with a teleportation plugin .

would this be possible ? tell me your opinion :)

I mean… I could host it if no one else wants to c:

And yeah, +1

+1 but I can not see this actually happening. At least not any time soon due to the speed of feature request implementations.
sort of not related. . . but same thing, i could host (sv :) buuuuuuuuuut. . . fucking port forwarding i support the idea though (even though im not trusted lol) i would love to see the server (not) crash so. . . yeah

I would enjoy seeing some idiot crash the server over and over again, and there being a killall clock so you can’t actually play.


Why only trusted? Aren’t other players allowed to be on too? -1.
What Barry said, -1
-1 What PJ and Barry said.
Yea because we have soooo many Trusted members who would do that…

-1 As everyone says, it’s not doable because of dumb players. Even if

Trusted only

you have to understand that trusted is just a color on a name, and you cannot fully trust all of the trusted players.

is it possible to ban commands on command blocks? if so then you can ban commands such as /kill
I’m almost 100% sure that there is a commandblockchange event. :P

This could indeed be taken care of with a custom plugin. As far as hosting goes - it can easily be hosted on redstoner’s machine AFAIK. But, who would use this? Can you give me some names? @Guipsou_01

I wouldn’t like to implement such a thing if after 2 days the server is forever empty.

i would use it if I was trusted
I would too!… for 14 minutes, then leave.

This wouldn’t be so good idea becuase

1. lots of griefers would make those fill clocks and add a command saying “/kill @a”. 2. really? Trusted only that doesn’t seem to be fair. 3. there would be a LOTS of set clocks in the world causing quite a bit of lag.

Sorry but these are the problems that may happen.


@Blaze_2658 Clocks can have rules preventing them from being on all the time, and there’s probably a plugin solution to /kill @a.

And what @LogalCoder said, that’s why it’s fucking trusted only x')

It seems that this is going nowhere, and even if we disable some commands, and fill clocks, i’m sure some idiot would come up with something to make it lag or crash again, so its a big ==-1== from me aswell. I’m gonna close this and here are the reasons why:

1: quoting Dico

But, who would use this?

2: again quoting Dico

I wouldn’t like to implement such a thing if after 2 days the server is forever empty.

3: Loads of ways to make the server crash

4: Everyone would have to be OP in order to edit command blocks and I don’t see that ever happening.

5: Fill and setblock clocks would constantly be a problem

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