Meep. me.fdd.Exceptions.IntroductionNotFoundException -- Quick fix: Write introduction

Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Meep. me.fdd.Exceptions.IntroductionNotFoundException -- Quick fix: Write introduction


I am fdd2001.

My real name is Florian, but I prefer to be called Flo, if you call me by my real name ;).

I’m 13 years old at the moment and I am from Germany. I like programming enjoy doing stuff with computers. The programming language I love to write code in is Java. (Yes, all you Python lovers, kill me. ;D) That’s why I also enjoy writing Bukkit/Spigot plugins and Minecraft Mods. I have coded a mod myself, with some stuff added like ores, armor, some easier mobs (redstoner mod style) etc. I have also coded some bukkit plugins, and have been planning on making my own mini game for a longer time, but never actually got to do it.

Over to redstone stuff… I wouldn’t call myself a redstone pro, but I’m not a noob either. I absolutely love doing vault doors because I love the way they look. :)

Over to yt-stuff… Well I have 2 channels, but they are both german, so probably nothing worth watching for you ;). And yeah… I know… My voice sounds shitty… :D

That’s about all there is to briefly describe me, so… cya! :D

Well, I’ve already active for quite a while, but thanks :D

Hey Florian! Alright, if you really don’t like your real name, I’ll help keep the flo. XD

On redstoner, it’s pretty much assumed that everyone is a programmer in some way. It’s also assumed everyone is good at redstone. (NOT TRUE! I’m not!)

But you already know that. Gaad lack, and have fan!