How to memorise algs effeciently?

Off topicCubing → How to memorise algs effeciently?

I am through two weeks learning over 40 algs and I am stuck at 1 because I can’t memorise it. Any advice.

Yes I know Pratice ._.

Maybe you should learn to spell first :)
What is the alg, there are methods to memorize different algs.
One way i memorize LL algs is to watch the f2l pairs as they move around
@LogalCoder with over 40 algs? Sure!
I usually repeat them a few times each until they become muscle memory.

Break up the alg in triggers, such as this OLL:

R’ F R F’ R’ F R F’ R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’ (R’ F R F’)(R’ F R F’)(R U R’ U’)(R U R’ U')

The bottom one is way easier to learn. After you know the notation, and when to execute it, I suggest working it into your muscle memory, to make it even faster.

Thats a weird oll you got there, although the alg is easy as heck to memorize ._. @ArhurValk