Chatslow type thing for staff

ArchivesFeature requests → Chatslow type thing for staff


So basically, I think it would be a cool idea to be able to set a delay on how often you can send chat messages, which can be only set by staff, for when the server is quite busy and there’s a lot going on in chat (It’s gotten very busy before). All staff bypass the delay, quite obviously. Additionally, a cool feature would be to be able to silence chat globally, so only staff can chat (which could be used for announcing things or when a staff promotion happens). Thanks for reading I guess.
I don’t like to limit things like that. I personally have found things like this on other servers very annoying. -1
I think a way to silence all of chat would be nice though, like if a dozen people decide to start spaming, or for an announcement.
I believe we already have a way to silence chat. /cpp chat lock, if I recall correctly.
I get what you mean, but I don’t think this would be very helpful and probably only annoying, -1
@Flying_Machinez I don’t think we have that.
Clear. I agree. Closed.