Tic Tac Toe AI
Redstoner → Building → Tic Tac Toe AI
#So in response to Hacker’s challenge thing a while back, I have built a Tic Tac Toe AI! It is fully unbeatable and can play as both X and O. The AI is made to fit onto Hacker’s Tic Tac Toe game and has a lot of dumb outputs to accommodate him.
#Here it is
#The inputs are taken into the green wires which are then and-gated into the blue wires.
#This next section makes sure that there is only one output and eliminates any results that are already on the board.
#After that, those lines are sorted based on whose turn it is and shot right to the output.
#While that is going on, the total board is being run through a circuit which takes the board input, whose turn it is, and what turn it is, smashes it all together, and spits up an output.
#Then the outputs of that are sorted into the final output.
Cc: @Nemes
Awesome build! Pan should totally fight this. He’s amazing at tic tac toe.
Amazing at tic tac toe