Sckrob The Scrub

Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Sckrob The Scrub

Hi, I’m Sckrob, figured I might as well introduce myself. First off, I will say Im a girl, just in case anyone out there is confused on the subject. I currently live in New York City to eventually get my doctorate in poetry. As far as redstone goes, I usually stick to the basics, using fairly simple knowledge to make “fun” and “playable” games (mainly because I don’t know anything complex). While on the subject of redstone, I should mention that I don’t make doors, I know very little about them, and have little interest in them.

Outside of Minecraft I don’t play any other games, other than online chess and poker. As I said, I am studying poetry currently, but I also have written a few plays. None of my work has been published, of course, but I am in the process of getting a few poems to be. I don’t enjoy talking to people in person for the most part, or on programs like TeamSpeak, so you are unlikely to find me there.

If you wanna talk redstone, or poetry, or play chess, or anything else, feel free to ask me in game. As long as I’m in a good mood, and you’re not completely unbearable, we’ll probably get along fine. Later.

@Redempt_ Hey, you’re not the only poet around here :o

Hai by the way Sckrob.

Exactly how unbearable can we be before we’re completely unbearable?
She can deal with me just fine so I guess if you’re about as unbearable as I am then you should be fine :P