The Northern village (/sv community)

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Hellu! Today i want to introduce an /sv community by me amd Mr_Awesome773, its known as the Northern village community. For anyone who wants to join, just tpa me when im on and you can pick your spot on where to build, also as a note:

-we already have a massive food source -we have some pretty good farms -we (as always) help and donate each other -we would not like if you are stealing or greifing (has been an /sv rule since years) -if you can, make your house a bit simple, if no thats ok -ask my perms/mr_a’s perm to build there -do not build your houses too far from the village

Feel free to join this /sv community for anyone who is interested c;

@MikeyMatic I would like yo join :DD
Shure! C: but you gotta wait 4 me becuz yeh.. xD i wouldnt really know where you live so wait 4 me c;
I already found the town :O
anyone still want to join?