Unfortunately, peanut butter.
Redstoner → Entry requests for /lol → Unfortunately, peanut butter.
This is the best possible translation for: ‘Helaas pindakaas’ I think quite a lot of people would get it c:
Hmmm, I still think it’s 100% lolworthy, all community input was positive, IMO you should add it already.
@CookieRedstone If you can explain this I may rethink it :P
@Mr_RedSheep Thanks dude :)
@ArhurValk So did everyone else, it seems. I’m a he though.
Off-topic much?
Meh the translation wouldnt be as correct but bcuz im dutch +1 and btw lemme explain: If some1 wants something or wants to do something but u cant the mom/dad would probaly say “helaas pindakaas” (it rhymes btw) heres an example: mom can i have some cheese on my sandwich? The cheese is up dear, helaas pindakaas
Money for explanation plox?
Actually after reading this, I would like to mention that quite a few players are dutch and that in addition to the fact that many lols are inside jokes, this should be added. I personally, as a dutch person, find this english translation of it quite funny. Sorry @LogalCoder
And @PyjamaL1ama this actually doesn’t make sense at all in Dutch either, it is just a saying. The translation makes it funny (for me)
Well now this is unlocked and even dico is voting, I’ll give my vote. -1, sorry. But this will most likely get added.
Edit: You know what the more I think about The Dutch language, and how messy language translation can get. +1
Thanks for re-opening Dico and thanks PJ for adding :)
Edit: Thanks Logal for adding and PJ for deciding to add
bummer, peanut cheese
or such.
wait what about bummer, peanut butter
it rhymes better