
RedstonerBlames → HerO_Ine393





(I didnt get a look at the beggining of the incident, so here is what I belive) Heroine claimed he was a friend of Cubehamster, and people didnt belive him so he started to insult the people who didnt belive him. Some spam and insults include but arent limited to: Calling ImpressedYou Gay, spaming l00000000l, telling people to not swear, then swearing, insulting the server etc.

Failed attempts

I tryed telling him to stop numerous times, then I threatened to post a ban appeal, and he insulted me.


Location isnt relevent.


2012-08-20 06:02 - 06:24


No griefing occured


For some reason, Minecraft stopped taking pictures, so I didn’t get very good ones but ImpressedYou, Nemesis, buddahsmalls912 and MrShizel can confirm this, and they could give additional pics.

pic1 pic2 pic3

He also claimed to know the statuses of Dico/Pan, but didnt.
I would ban the guy now but I would like to see more than one opinion on this issue, can you have the others confirm this in the post?
heres pics of them confirming it. hi ermagerd
I can confirm that HerO_Ine393, is an abuser of the server, and should be banned.
tempbanned if another staff member feels different about this then they can permaban him. locked
This thread is locked.