Friends Addition

ArchivesFeature requests → Friends Addition


#What feature do you want:

For the Friends plugin…

How about we allow each friend request to have a 5 minute timer for each player to add accept each other as friends, to prevent the one-sided friends lists.

#Proof Of Concept

So basically (Like many other servers) cough hypixel cough

A player sends a friends request to poor Dico.

Dico then has 5 minutes to either accept or decline the request.

Dico waits the 5 minutes because he’s AFK. The request expires.

The player is sad.

Why do you think it’s a good idea

Because this would prevent staff members and many other users from getting “IAmAPlayer added you to their friends list” All the time.

This also would make less one-sided friendships.

Closed by pep: Works as intended.

Hypixel does this. Works really well I might add


+3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640 (aka almost pi) I agree with logal and dewm.
Shouldn’t it notify you when requesting someone whos AFK?
+Over9000 seems nice

The way I implemented friends was completely intended. The main use of the plugin in my eyes at the moment isn’t the join ping sound - it’s the interaction with the imbusy plugin. Players can allow others to bother them in busy mode regardless of the other accepting the allowance. I see no point and I think it would be rather inconvenient. This wasn’t the only intended purpose, I think friends might interact with other modules in the future.

Despite said points, I do understand that the term friend doesn’t really cover this functionality. The plugin is about whom you consider friends, which is not the same. This sequence of words however is a bit long for a plugin name.

I don’t see why the x added you messages form a problem. I haven’t noticed any of these messages at all, not sure if nobody actually added me. It’s a single line in chat and it doesn’t make a sound.

If you still wish to see friends changed to how you requested it to be, take above points into consideration and come up with new arguments, because I see none. If instead you want to suggest a name change, that’s fine with me too.