Post your Skype name here!!

Off topicOther → Post your Skype name here!!

Format= IGN - SKYPE AberDeLeDerpeh - tadhg.boyo1
When I saw it was you who replied first, I knew it couldn’t be good
I’m google hangouts too! High five!


Because original.


And no I’m not lying xD

Facebook:liamwil2002 But if u gonna add me then please tell me who you are.
psrcek - teamspeak ftw

XD Skype

ur funny

ID : weiliang_official1 Name : GWJ (and some other randomized shit) Skype : you cunt,look up you bastard
Eh, maybe i’ll post it some other time, I don’t really want a buch of people requesting to add me…
spams @SmashDoesMC
@Nyxify , lol, you already have my skype tho, so i don’t really mind (Don’t spam me tho) :P
daveeese (cuz 3 e’s means mlg) -C2L cuz life, deal with it :3
My name is: »» RedSheepWhoHatesHisWifePinkSheep ««