5 wide 3x3 fullflush Glass Door(770 blocks)

RedstonerBuilding → 5 wide 3x3 fullflush Glass Door(770 blocks)

alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text Weird Layout (by Cube): alt text Weird Layout + super fucked up Inputs: alt text alt text alt text alt text even Minecarts and Detector Rails… alt text

ll(height) + 14(length) + 5(depth) = 770 blocks

prob. smallest possible

Video: SOON

you can find this at my first Plot(/p h VoodooCraft)

Nice! My first (only) 3x3 glass must be over 2000 blocks. If you would like me to make you an edit for it just mail me ingame or email me= ^(LOGALEDIT: Email removed.) If you want to check out my other work; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW45lAL-X04GAu6nMf8kGgg Also, please know that i have xperianced much since those edits!! I respect any desicion you make :)


I just realised that this door is directional :CCC

Good job m8

Im impressed that you got a 5 wide one, although it has some downsides like -directional -torch burnouts -entities (-sand in wiring (this is just a personal thing i dont like since it counts to wards entities and, can be messed with (watch my player locator bug video for refference)))

But seriously GOOD JOB M8

I think its very hard to make it non directional and 5 wide because you have to put the last three pulses of the triple in a 3x3 spot: alt text

Its also hard to make it without torchburnouts but possible(but I dont care about it)

Its not that hard to make it without entities (i have a layout for that but it is quite slow)

I dont care about sand

https://imgur.com/BgXktcL sneaky sneaky…

I know its hard as baalz, thats why we only went to 6 wide ;)

sneeky lel