"Sex Room"

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This is what overpopulation brings! alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text What some redstoners got up to when we were bored. :D Let’s see if we can get this to happen more Cuz life, deal with it -C2L, C3L-c2lception

somebody fix the images pl0x

Fixed, but I regret it.
lol, imagine this in 1.9

Lol @MikeyMatic @Luni_Nac @Spider550 @TheSaltySpoon


You should have been there
This isn’t a sex room, this is a moshpit. I’ll get on after school and post screenshots of sex rooms on redstoner. :>
Wrong, it was an orgy.
lol, @Graphicaa, this isn’t a sex room, its overpopulation! (jk, we should totally skateboards dood) [except i cant skateboards .-.)
lmfao @C2Lredstone