Editor needed!

Off topicMinecraft related → Editor needed!

I made the 4x10 glass door that is around 2150 blocks and its pretty cool! It doesn’t have to be to professional it has to be some what nice

THX -Salty

hit me up! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW45lAL-X04GAu6nMf8kGgg Those are fairly old edits, when do you want/need it by? I am going on a road trip next week starting Monday…
Tell me if you want any help, I have time. Videos: [yt:lOENWZe3z50] [yt:2J_dVrZKjh8] ==EDIT: this is my first try, if it’s shitty, I’m REALLY sorry!==
Yo redsheep got skype?
sí, what is yours?
I just sent you a request
didn’t get one? My skype = NOT BEING SHOWED ANYMORE
@Mr_RedSheep ill take you cuz those edits are really nice :D Ill follow you on skype in a sec Btw what is your time zone
message was removed
My skype is allodisizryan