Schematic downloads

ArchivesWebsite feature requests → Schematic downloads


What feature do you want: title says it all :D

Why do you think its a good idea: If you’ve built something really cool on the server but its really big, you can download a copy to mess around with in single player. I’ve already bugged piggly for one (it never quite happened xD), but it would be nice if there was an automated way to do this (maybe on the website?).


Is something like this even possible on bukkit?
No, as far as I know, it’s not. There is a world Download mod, but idk if it is allowed - and you just wanted an area, not the whole world (which is massive in terms of creative.)
the world downloader should be allowed
World downloader is allowed, I’ve used it myself in the past to download a couple things for old projects lol
Can you specify an area when downloading?
In fact, you can create schematichs with the worldedit. We only need a webpage to download them. Hey sheepyyyyy…

>schematics folder >Not a mothership schematic in sight

This needs to be fixed.

Ok… now for just a kinda silly question: how do I make a schematic to download?! (srry, im a WE noob =D)

Thanks, RedMinds