Ruby/Ruby on rails?

Off topicProgramming → Ruby/Ruby on rails?

I’ve decided to take up a ruby/ruby on rails course in my spare time, and I’d like to get extra info aswell as just the course, so can people just send me helpful tips & tricks for the language as I like to do alot of coding in my spare time (e.g I learnt HTML once, as I had nothing to do :P )

P.S I’m using Codecademy to learn :D

I don’t think anyone but sheep knows Ruby well.
Piggly does too :D pretty sure traks does aswell
@redstone_sheep ! @Pigglypops ! can I haz help? c:
sure @barrygold21 I can try my best. I ‘know’ ruby to some extent as i learnt it a while back. If its a very complex and/or rails specific issue sheep may be your only hope but i can give it a shot. So whats the issue
I’m just learning it c: no issues, I just need some extra help as w/ most programs I really struggle with

Ty sheep this will help alot c:

P.S where have you been sheep, vacation?