Off topicCubing → F2L? OLL? PLL?

Ok so im relatively new to cubing( 1.5 years) and as of know i know how to solve a 2x2-4x4. For the 3x3, i have been using the beginers method with a PB at 49 seconds. I recently learned F2L intuitively, but sometimes it take me ages to make a slot to the point where its faster to use the beginners method. Also, Ive seen all the algs for OLL and PLL (SO MANY) and was wondering how to memorize them.

Please leave advice or tips on how to memorize these as well as how long it took to memorize the algs, and how long it took to get your PB.



Intuitive F2L takes a lot of practice. And I mean, a LOT of practice. Don’t expect to become sub 15 when you learn something new. Everything takes time. I would also take time to learn 2 look OLL and 2 look PLL. Once you get comfortable and start to get closer and closer to your average times, I would recommend learning full PLL before even tackling full OLL. I, myself, still do not know full OLL. It has taken me nearly 5 months to get to my PB (13.74 seconds). Again, this is with a lot of practice. Moral of this story, Practice Practice Practice!!!

Learn 2 look OLL and PLL first.

For 2 look OLL you only need to know one or two algs for building the cross, and then 7 more to orient the corners. For 2 look PLL, you only need the T perm and Y perm for corner permutation, and then the two 3 edge cycles plus perhaps the H and Z perm for the edge permutation.

I recommend monkeydude1313’s guides:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iZL03cLhC0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmACMcLvR_w

Thank you! @Skrileton @Tsskyx