chriskool07 (Also known as MLGChris333, __Dinnerbone__, 01101001 and _P250)
Redstoner → Appeals → chriskool07 (Also known as MLGChris333, __Dinnerbone__, 01101001 and _P250)
I am writing this appeal for someone else
Type of ban: Permanent
Ban Reason: Griefing
My mistakes: Well. This is the only mistake on redstoner. I was in survival, and since I thought no one ever went on survival, which, I was wrong, I started to fly around the area. Then, again, I did another stupid thing - grief some buildings. I wasn’t thinking straight. And then Nemes came on. NOTE: This was 1 year ago, so information may be 99.9% accurate.. He said to undo everything and I would not be banned. I knew I would be banned but I did as I was told and reversed as much as I could. he then banned me for hacking in survival.
Why should I be unbanned: Very simple answer. I think you should give me another chance because everyone deserves another chance. My actions were wrong, but I think after a year, finally, I have learned from my mistake.
I am just going to quote rule #8:
Griefing is not allowed in any way, if you grief someone’s work, it will lead to a straight permanent ban.
For that reason I say that this ban will stay unless someone have å good reason for unbanning him.
No, bot everyone deserves a second chance and since we have it in the rules that griefing will lead to a permanent ban they shouldn’t complain.
“But I haven’t read the rules yet” if you or someone Else say that, don’t. It doesn’t help and aren’t an excuse.
So since we have it in the rules, I am going to close this.
Ps. Don’t call me Fusty
Okay, I remember banning this kid.
He had griefed and stolen I think it was five diamond blocks in the SV world. Me and PJ both decided on an instant perm ban and the fact that we had both remembered his name for not great things, with no second chance.
Just kinda putting in why he was banned etc, don’t rape me pls
Okay, my apologies for jutting in on a closed appeal, but
I did not steal 5 blocks of diamonds. I remember this event as if it was yesterday.
How does one remember an event which you CLAIMED NEVER HAPPENED, and say you REMEMBER it.
There’s nothing to remember… Unless you’re lying.
I am writing this appeal for someone else
Why are you saying YOU remember this, when YOU’RE not the person who got banned? … unless you’re lying.
In that case
Stop lying
Nyx you got something wrong there. He said he did steal and he did grief and he did use mods to fly in survival. Yet he claims to have undone the stealing and griefing. Yetall that stuff is not even in his ban message, only the modding part…
Also he his writing it for himself. He’s using his brother’s account apparently