Things wrong with. . .

Off topicOther → Things wrong with. . .

Please note: these are my opinions, if you disagree, don’t worry, everyone is entitled to their own (wrong) opinions :P

Popular songs The most popular are the songs and artists I hate the most such as 1)Taylor Cringe (do all of your songs have to be about you in a relationship? You’re still single jeez) 2) Take me on (oh come on, we know that toto-Africa is the best 80s song) 3) Katy Perry (is all that screaming really necessary?)


  1. Hate toward your Obama (seriously, he cleaned up bush’s mess, give him credit, he’s a good president)
  2. Donald Trump (I respect him as a business man, but please, could you stop alienating your own party?)
  3. Hillary Clinton (gah, emails? Seriously, the FBI cleared her, stop being salty Trump, but pls be more careful, Clinton)


  1. Hate towards Immigration (they are what make America great, you hear that Trump?)
  2. The American stereotype (technically, none of us are “American” since we all came from Africa/middle east [all humans], and if you want to get more specific, we all came from space)
  3. California:Golden Coast (yea, half the world’s electronic market is in Taiwan, PLEASE silicon valley, shush, also, CA has one of the poorest governments, serious problems, and the traffic in LA. . . Yea. . . No. Not saying everybody should come to Phoenix [our governor sucks and people probably have their reasons such as work] but seriously, I take triple digits [temp f] over triple hours getting to work/school

Gaming/non educational youtubers

  1. The most popular ones, they don’t have any choice since they are not the geniuses of the world
  2. For the minecraft ones, most of their “fans” are little 6-9 year olds, those popular guys got no talent, I could probably 1v1 them and win, and don’t mention their horrible “skills” (if I want pro derp, I will watch hermitcraft thank you very much)
  3. The ones that have a good education/do this as a side job are not very popular (mc-wise) E.g. TangoTek and Impulsesv do youtube as their night job, they have jobs as coders, xisumavoid has a degree in law making, etc, yet, do they have 2 million subs? Nope, not even combined they don’t. It’s sad.

That’s all for me today, and these are just my opinions, if anyone else have rants, I’d like to see them :)