2 feature requests.
Archives → Feature requests → 2 feature requests.
#Suggestions ##Redstoner-“Hub”-Plugin The idea is to have a hub plugin with an inventory menu - something like this seen often on servers like hive and stuff.
##Website notification ==closed== Like mother points out here:
On a slightly less related note, we need a good way to get people to read the website more frequently, there are still people who don’t know what they need to do for member even after spending a week on the server. A way to get visitors into reading here is to show the website on join, I think. Can you set separate mote’s for ranks? Otherwise, you could use PlayerJoinEvent because their display name starts with &7.
What do you think?
I like dem both, cant you use another thing like
?I’m probably wrong as I’m not too good at python :/What do you mean?
In Python, that would be:
def on_join (event) {
player = event.getPlayer()
name = player.getDisplayName()
if name[:2] == "&7": #Is the substring correct?
player.sendMessage("Website notification...")