UnBan Appeal

RedstonerAppeals → UnBan Appeal


Username (At the time of ban) - kcl729

Tempban/Permaban - Permaban.

Message shown when you connect to the server - Not too sure what it said before, but now it says “Whoops he got unbanned. Fixing that”

Detailed description of what you did wrong - I disrespected staff and said things I should have not said. I created World Edit walls and refused to take them down and when they were taken down, I re made them. This resulted in me loosing my $$ rank.

Detailed description about what we did wrong when banning you, and why - You guys didn’t do anything wrong in banning me, I deserved it. But, it has been over 7 months and I have learned my lesson.

I think its time that you join back in. I missed you.
Marked as solved and locked
This thread is locked.