
RedstonerEntry requests for /lol → quack


flying made some special water AND gate, so I promptly chose it (for duckkind) as my new home, occasionally quacking.

edit: redempt also keeps trying to ruin my quacking habitat give me free candy

-3.141592653589793238462643383279502 Not only would most people not get it, it is not funny.



FFS Viper when you use pi please use it correctly. The last part would be 50288 and you round that to 503 not 502 lolol… Also it’s not your job to deal with the lol requests xD
It’s nobody’s “job” to handle lol requests.. Also, you don’t memorize rounded digits of pi, you just memorize however many you can.
@LogalCoder Not my job, more my responsibility. Viper’s help is very much appreciated.