new rule!!1

Off topicOther → new rule!!1


ok so hi guis im a booh bah ant todey i want to sugest an new rul fur the server!!1 basikulee, the nue rul is “if u r insluted bi anothr person - ezpecially bagitaweeaboooooooooooooo, u wil be instantly baned.”

^if ^you ^think ^I’m ^serious ^then ^what ^the ^fuck

+1 i know youre not serious but this should actually be a rule

+1 i know youre not serious but ==this should actually be a rule==

Ok you got me

OMG +1 best idea evar. nu insold poople ne mor. Plu insert rulo


nu insold poople ne mor.

Ai awgwee.

Yeah ty…

this is what happens when you trigger yourself because you insult me! :D

This thread is complete bullshit, Nice…… (t r i g g e r e d)
@lugaltoch, dis is ydi fur new role. du net ensalt uthar peplo. dat bed. vuwwy bead
So barry first of all stop changing the god damn story second thing i insulted you? I called you cunt because i was mad because you called me a “cancerous weeb”

Burger and Barry, you two should just accept that you’re both bad.

On another note, trying to reading this thread is causing me grief and mental degradation.

@Flying_Machinez let me translate :>

ok so hi guess i’m a “booh bah ant”. today I want to suggest an new rule for the server!!! basically, the new rule is “if you are insulted by another person - especially bagitaweeabo, you wil be instantly based.”

Lol so I replied

OMG +1 best idea ever. don’t insult people anymore. Please insert rule

Then @MonstaKitty said

I agree.

then I explain logal this thread:

@logaltech, this is an idea for a new role. do not insult other people then they get banned. that’s bad.

@Flying_Machinez This is clearly a joke, Barry even got permission from Nemes to do it. Burger’s still salty it seems.
This thread is locked.