A feature where trusted have a region(s) to where they can add players to it.

ArchivesFeature requests → A feature where trusted have a region(s) to where they can add players to it.


Ok, to get started let me discuss what I’d like to see and what I would not like to see with this feature.

Why I think this feature would benefit the server as a whole. There are many limitations due to untrustful people on the server. Now the best thing this would bring to the table is to allow players who aren’t trusted rank to build on these so called regions(done with worldguard) and to allow them to add players to their region, this way Builders can still build with their best Trusted buddies and this would allow for a handful of more opportunities for projects, relationships among players, ect.

Scenarios I see this useful in

  1. Let’s say we have two logic people and they are beginning a mega build, and they simply do not have enough room to start their project in a plot. This could open the doors for bigger and better things, this would allow players to break the hinges off the door and from there the sky is the limit, collaborations would be better strong suited and successful due to more space and a less cramped environment. This could also ease the space frame that holds a toll when building, this way creativity can truly be unlimited.

  2. Following my other example, perhaps some people, say a trusted and a builder wanted to do some creative building and take a brief break from Redstone. What happens when they pour their heart into this you know, amazing build feat, but then suddenly they run out of room. Well as before if we had this feature creativity would be unlimited in a sense due to players asking for a certain amount of land within the limits.

What I want from this feature

  1. I’d like trusted to be able to have a region(s) inside the trusted world to where they can add players who are not trusted so they can build on their land and their land only.

What I do not want coming from this feature

  1. I do not want the trusted world becoming a 2nd plotworld, sufficient ways to prevent this will be listed below.

  2. I do not want huge landmarks everywhere and random things that belong in the Plotworld to be in the trusted world.

Prevention Techniques

  1. Trusted are limited to a certain amount of regions they can use and the region space is also limited.

  2. To prevent randomness and things that do not belong in the trusted world, make it so these trusted who add people, the responsibility is on them and it is their problem is something occurs and if to occur they have to clean the randomness up.

  3. If staff feel it is not a safe decision by a trusted member to allow someone to build on their land, staff may revoke that player’s permission to build there if needed.

Credits Thank you for taking the time to read my request and I hope each and every one of you guys has a good day.

Closed by pep. Reasons are stated below.

@LogalTech I guarantee they would happen more often if people werent surrounded by barriers.
+1 What about giving people access to the chunk you’re in? Or a selection from world edit’s wand
@3daniel They wouldn’t have to do any coding, please know the plugin before making a misinformed statement.

Tbh both of you are just necroposting and adding little to nothing to this thread. Daco being the more helpful of the two.

Also, sidenote, trusted have one more plot they can use. Plus, if someone messes something up, you can make a blames report on them for screwing up your things.

What about some sort of bridge between two plots, that two players ask for permission to build above the little streetway, so no modifying that, and building a big project in the plot world that way? In my opinion an idea to consider, but it definitely isn’t near perfect either.

That’s already a thing. You can always ask a mod to put busses beneath the path, the only thing that won’t work over/under the path are pistons. But I can’t really think of anything the size larger than 101x101 that’d require pistons at least on two edges extending over the 101x101…

Also, I don’t know of a way that we could allow tr to create and modify their own regions only, as well as limited sizes and amounts. But that might be because I always used a plot plugin if I wanted a plotlike world. Tr is not intended to be plot-like at all, nor is it meant for builders.

Honestly @3daniel is right, the code just isn’t worth it. Its kinda hard to allow some builder to build in tr, and there isn’t a ready made plugin for this. If you used WE, devs would have to edit WE to add another command within WE to work with worldgruard to select an area, change permissions and then create the boundaries. Not to mention there needs to be limits or some gulliable trusted could just select like a few million chunks and allow a builder to build there.

And as @LogalCoder said, it would sorta destroy the point of tr, because all it would do is give you a little more WE access and a cyan name.

-1 for almost every reason above.

This had so many -1s that in surprised it isn’t closed by now.