
Off topicIntroduce yourself! → Me??

Hey!, I’m Luuk a.k.a Mr_BlueSheep,

I’m a Redstoner who is 14 years old! I have played on Redstoner for around 2 years. My main goal on Redstoner is to improve my building skills, make stuff in survival and learn redstone from different people on the server :D I’d like to help people with building, Like right now im building RedSheepMc’s plot. Every day that i’ve joined I see new impressive builds while I fly around the creative world. And when i’m in survival I am trying to improve my base and build at the town.

Thank you for spending your time reading this strange post :p

Obama… oops Luuk… oops.. BlueSheep out!

What’s redsheep’s name eh?


Because we don’t have enough Daans yet
Michelle obama hahaha get it
Yeah I get it, answered your question as well though