What's your favorite way of pvping?
Redstoner → Other → What's your favorite way of pvping?
I know some of you are real good pvpers but i want to know about your favorite ways of pvping (I watched a heckton of skywars these days) and your inventory layout (and fav. kit if you play on a server that has kits on it)
For example (don’t judge)
My favorite way: strafe + spamclick legit (sometimes blockhitting)
Inv. Layout: (Just gonna mention the important parts of my inv. here since i use scroll :p) 1.sword 2.waterbucket/kb3 fishing rod 3.projectiles 9.blocks (blockrunning) The rest is random things
Kit: cannoneer
You can argue anything that is related to the thread as always! ;)
Quackcraft much
Well quakecraft is a gun game sorta, that means you like to use precise guns? Shuure (not guns irl dummyyy :c)
Well I KNOW for a fact ace’s layout is terrible (he keeps crashing and losing the skywars game, or blowing us the fuck up, FUCK YOU FOR THAT)
Combat: Bowspamming/egging/snowballing/strafing/hacking
Inventory layout:
- Sword/highest combat power weapon
- Epearls/bow
- Bow (if epearls is in #2) or Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Splashpotions/snowballs/eggs
- Blocks (blockrunnin yeh sure why not)
Kit: Knight
For me
I’m a hypixel and mineplex skywars player I also play Micro Battle player and a badlion UHC ranked player
For my setup, 1)Sword (always) 2)Snowballs/Lava/Flint and steel/Egg/Bow 3)Fishing rod/Snowballs/Eggs 4)Bow/Food 5)Gapple 6)Food 7)Water bucket 8)Food 9)Food/Ender Pearls
For meh denkness
1.sword 2.rod/KB items 3.blocks 4.bow
Thats about it i just started learning to hotkey sooo yah
ok here’s some stuff about my pvp:
- 123456789 (slot-wise) = 1234FCV89 (hotkey-wise)
- First slot is sword
- Second is rod / lava bucket, depending on what I have
- Third is either a soup or a lava bucket, depending on what I have.
- Fourth slot is bow
- Fifth is soup/food
- Sixth is typically anything useful, like healing (if I have it), snowballs or a bucket.
- Seventh is blocks (self explanatory) / water bucket
- Eighth is Enderpearls
- Last slot is ice block (I play Mineplex skywars, mk?)
I kinda wanna join in on this, so here we go:
First slot is sword Second slot is rod Third slot is lava/flint and steel Fourth slot is bow Fifth slot is healing (usually gaps) Sixth slot is water Seventh slot is blocks Eighth slot is food Ninth slot is another water bucket
If any of that stuff is missing, I just fill in the empty space with other useful stuff (enderpearls, pots, etc.)
I changed my layout juuust a bit
- Sword
- Projectile / Pots (when I am low on health after a fight, and a pot came in my inv, I quickly hover over it and press 2.)
- Bow/Water 4)Water/Bow … 9)Blocks
I recommend having a pickaxe at your inventory if you play skywars (or an axe)