Im not dead
Redstoner → Other → Im not dead
I would like to say sorry to all my ‘friends’ (I call them friends, I’m not sure if they call me a friend) for ditching you all for about 3 months. Give or Take. I just don’t find it amusing to build stuff anymore. Minecraft used to get me in loads of trouble because I would play it all night long and make up shit and lie and crap. (TL:DR= I was a fucking idiot) I have found other interests in the film industry and I have been foucusing on my YT channel. I will join once in a while. Aber
BONUS! Thanks to @PyjamaL1ama for being such a cool guy to talk to :) Also; @C2Lredstone @TheSaltySpoon @mega_man98 and Daniel (damn it i have been ded so long i dont know your new ign) YOU GUYS ARE LEDGENDS AND I ENJOYED ALL THE GREAT TIMES! Oh and @PhantomChampion for letting me make that dank edit (sorry about the 460 quality)
I would love to post a heart filled reply but…. I literally know nothing about you your freinds and good times
xXEPICANISMXx. sorry i have a stone clod dead heart ._.
Hey dudes!
Sorry my email is so full of the damn “Casual Conversation” thread that I must of missed the email replys about this thread.
@C2Lredstone you had a youtube channel? i didnt know!
Ps.wanna collab or something?