*this is also not a lol request* (srsly)
Redstoner → Entry requests for /lol → *this is also not a lol request* (srsly)
Can we PLEASE put a cooldown on the requesting system? I say atleast 2 to 3 days its honestly just becoming spammy at this point
Yes ik i just posted a lol request i was bored so sh anyway
Tempban ppl from the site if they post like 3 lols in 10 minutes cough @C2Lredstone *cough
I both Agree and Disagree.
I Disagree because, it’s not hurting anyone, it isn’t horribly annoying. I Agree because it can be annoying. Looking at you GWJ_Derp.
If this were to happen, I would like, If your last lol request(that had been marked as CLOSED or SOLVED) was CLOSED, then you should wait 2 or 3 days before posting again.
Me? @GWJ_Derp posted 10 lols in the space of time it took me to post two? So . . . Yea, besides, I post lols on a monthly basis now :), but nothing is really funny these days ;-;
(Unless you are GWJ and feel te need to post a lol daily)
- This should be moved to Website > Forum Feature Requests
- Tempbans on thr website are more useful, and can be used in a variety of ways other than being lol specific
- Don’t copy my idea
C2l ur lols SUCK
And u know that so why post fucking 3 in a fucking row. Anyway i made this thread so it would be less spammy read for once ;)
oh really? “t r i g g e r e d” sucks? I guess you really are “t r i g g e r e d” by my “savagjhe” response :D -c3l
(besides, they don’t suck quite as much as “Behold, le butt”)
Btw since someone mentioned me here, Im triggered
I post /lol requests when I want, I post something that I think is good. How the fuck am I supposed to know if its gonna be good for others or not? Yes I already thinked about the lol requests I made, and you don’t seem to get it. I ALREADY thinked about it, at least I thinked first dummy :L
IF you dont like my posts then just dislike it for fuck sake, don’t look at me just because I frequently post lols, now STOP complaining about my frequent posts for fucks sake -.-
EDIT: I guess Logal was right in some way .-.
Its not like I post lols daily lmao, I just seem to find ideas anyways
@xXEPICANISMXx go fuck yourself, it’s a direct quote from someone
the world does not revolve around you
i-its just that i literally posted the same thing on another thread when you do it 5 mins later
#####even with the word mems spelt just like it