I find this whole FitMC and Redstoner completely bullshit.

RedstonerOther → I find this whole FitMC and Redstoner completely bullshit.

So for one, fitmc was out of line to quote on quote “raid the server”, but a lot of redstoner’s claims adressed in his video on the server were partly false.

Oh yay, let’s adress the ddos, what they did was not a ddos. Ddos usually inhibit udp packet attacks in order to overflow a connection and to disallow incoming connections. Now what fitmc and his followers did was lock the door to the house, and that house being redstoner. There were still open spots so no people could still have come on.

  1. The spam could have been prevented if you looked in hindsight and weren’t so fuckin blind. Most servers semi-big like yours have spam-filters to check if a players message contains something he/she just said 1 second ago. Even small servers have this shit, so i find it ridiculous your pinning the blame on him.

  2. It should be pinned on Ghost Rock, as he was the person who told FitMC to go ahead and raid the server, so quit being damn salty over it, FitMc made a point of you guy’s being more tightly wound than a pair fucking skinny jeans, you need to chill the hell out, the server itself wasn’t damaged. I understand he was banned, but you didn’t need to reach out to him and talk shit since you guys consider yourself professionals.

  3. Most of what you dm’d him on twitter is complete fuckin bullshit. Small ddos, which that wasn’t a ddos, but speaking of them has a very low chance as stated in the article. The chance of getting caught for a small ddos attack is about the equivalent to piracy.

  4. “Staff handled it very well”, perhaps they handled the situation well but not their emotions afterward, you couldn’t grow up and just leave it the fuck alone? Just ban FitMc. Problem fuckin Solved.

6.You made a fuckin chart, a fuckin chart which showed how many players left and joined. Like what was the point, i don’t think the was necessary and that just proves you couldn’t leave it alone and bury it away somewhere else.

Let the fuckin hate roll in, i dont mind if im banned, just speaking my opinion on this bullshit.

well, to quote futsy (i think), we like charts
but eh, personally, since the server didn’t crash, I’m not that concerned, since we don’t have to pay for internet by usage (unlimited right? idk) my main concern is that, if you’re going to crash somebody, give them a little heads up, so they don’t take it too seriously, and they know that you meant it as a joke
and also that spam was pretty disrespectful . . . I mean, the amount of profanity I saw in 1 minute is probably more than I’ll say in like 10 lifetimes
Profanity is allowed on the server, and you completely disregarded the spam filter idea.
@Dacotathebeast guess who sent him those messages? Barry of course
@PyjamaL1ama I understand that, but he should be punished for doing that on your behalf without permission.

Let’s get through with your points one by one.

  1. Events like this are so rare that adding a spamfilter just for this purpose is not really necessary. Regarding the normal spam, I rather see a user spam once and get banned than being prevented from spamming, so that he can try worse things than that. Also, sometimes a little bit of spam makes a situation funny which we’d lose if we had something like a spamfilter.

  2. Ghost_Rock_ and all of his 23 alts were banned. I have no idea why that didn’t happen earlier, as most of his alts were banned already anyways.

  3. Noone of us dm’ed him on twitter. Llama already commented on that. Baru has been punished.

  4. It was solved for us but some users apparently are not as mature/“professional” as we’d like them to be. Noone to be blamed here really, some people are a little weird on that matter.

  5. Umm what? I think you missed a point. Can’t even count to 5, can we? :P (/joke)

  6. Yep, we made a chart. And we embedded it in an article. Yep. With links and shit. You know we like our community to be up to date, to know what’s happening with the server. A quick recap can’t be bad, may it be for future reference or for looking at it and having a laugh at how stupid that day was. We wrote that news post and that was it for us. Sure, the constant stream of people that are coming back with fucking ALTS because they’re scared that their mains are banned and then lie about it to us is somewhat annoying. But that doesn’t change the fact that staff was done with it. We thought about running a script to ipban everyone involved but decided not to because that would be unnecessary and stupid. Overreacting. Exactly the behaviour that they’d want. So we didn’t.

No one’s gonna ban you for your opinion. It’s very valid and in the core of it I agree. This whole thing is ridiculously stupid and unnecessary and could’ve been solved and forgotten already. But some people feel like messaging that guy with completely retarded things like “what you did is illegal” and shit like that.



So at the end of the day we can all agree, Staff really love charts xD

Chaaaarts *_*

fap fap fa… Oh shit, noone’s seen this, alright?

I think he just had an orgasm

Quick get jomo over here to make redstoner 2.0

why do i have to live on th eother side of the #FUKING WORLD

k its locked

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