The naughtiest things you've ever done (on redstoner)
Redstoner → Other → The naughtiest things you've ever done (on redstoner)
So all of us have done bad things every now and then and several have gotten us into reasonable trouble
Here you can post the worst things you’ve done and maybe some of the consequences…
**Warning:**This is not a serious thread, all the things here happend in the past and are not to be brought back.
**I’ll start:**So i placed a crash block at my plot once that somehow crashed any client or person that loaded it. This meant that i ended up crashing @RedSheepMC and @Futsy .(sry 4 dat =P) **The consequences:**My plot ended up having to be completely reset i was pretty sad and also got like a week long temp ban (not to forget having several pissed mods staring me in the eyes).
Ps.Sry again if this is in the wrong section i thought it was too silly for appeals and wasnt eant to be serious ect.
Would it be mean if i said this?
The naughtiest thing ive done on rser? I watched ur mom take anal while u were beinv born
Am i mean?
Tell naughty stories, do whatever. I don’t care much
######unless you confess to greifing or something super serious then its bad
ok reopened thread
And Ps. @Nyxwolfy noone should have stories that get them into trouble if they are “legit restoners”
ok reopened thread
And Ps. (@)Nyxwolfy noone should have stories that get them into trouble if they are “legit restoners”
Multiple things wrong with this reply.
Don’t reopen a thread a staff member has closed. Bad.
“Legit redstoners”? What the hell do you mean by that? Are you saying I’m not a “legit redstoner” because I’ve been fucking banned AND demoted more than once? Or how about fucking KILLAGIB4 FOR CHRIST’S SAKE? He’s fucking permabanned on some servers and has been demoted several times too. LOOK AT HIM! He’s one of the best redstoners there are! Look at skrileton! His track record here isn’t perfect, but he’s hell-of-a-lot better “legit redstoner” than you are, that’s almost guaranteed.
Stop mentioning me, it’s wasting my time and spamming my email.
Thread should be in off topic
Edit Even worse, you closed the thread yourself and asked me if Doom was necroposting? That’s grade-A fucking bullshit right there.