
ArchivesFeature requests → /alias


What feature do you want: i want alias to have a switch to be turned off just in case i also want aliasses to be visible in /msg and /r

Why do you think its a good idea: well the alias appearing in msg is pretty obvious why

And the switch is just incase if u need to turn off some things… the thing with /msg is the better request

*Solved by pep: This has been implemented for all message commands, admknchat and chatgroups."

No. Its 2 seperate ideas 1 to turn off all alias’s incase if u need to turn it off just in case

And i want alias’s to show up in /r because they dont

I got what you meant in the original post, but you wrote it so confusingly.

+1 at least to the /tell

Ehm any1 else gonna do smthng here?
+1 but burger learn to word shit properly
If this is going to be a thing, it would be nice to do the same with CG
Accepted, put onto todo list
As no1 did it yet i`ll mark it as solved
But it’s not solved. It’s accepted, I’ll deal with it. But it’s not done yet so it’s not solved :P