
RedstonerAppeals → Banned




There was no reason given why I got banned

My little brother was on his account (ItsFishy) and he threatened to take down the server, idk how/why. Then the next day I tryed to get on Redstoner and I was banned, He’s not…

I think I should be unbanned, because the wrong user was banned, Then ItsFishy (my little brother) should be banned.

Hey there.

I banned both ItsFishy, and the IP address associated with his name, which unfortunately barred your access to the server as well.

I went ahead and unbanned your IP, you should be able to get onto the server once again.

@Mothership_Q u forgot to close the forum
Whoops, I’ll go ahead and do that.
Hey lucid, sorry for the inconvenience. Glad to see Mother has sorted this all out :)
This thread is locked.