Donator tag colors dont match (OCD TRIGGERED)

ArchivesWebsite problems & bugs → Donator tag colors dont match (OCD TRIGGERED)


What I expected

The colours of the donator tag would match up, red and red or white and white.

What actually happened

My donator tag (on the bottom where it says “Users seen in the last two minutes”) would be the same colour as the persons in a fourm thread.

Error message


Reproducing the bug

Sign on to your account and as long as you are a donator you will see this happen


Last page of the Blames fourm

Additional details

alt text

It is a very minor detail but i thought I would tell you


the image doesnt show up for me but there it is ^

Formatting: ! [] (link)

(Take the spaces out)

Confirmed, OCD triggered.
Thanks Nyx, no prob (I honestly don’t know who you are but I think your Logal..) Bob, and yes Cookie, OCD is triggered af :3
imo, the sign should be orange; It looks better that way.