Do you have a nick IRL?

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Just a simple question, do you have an irl nick?

Me for example, my actual name is justine but i am usually called as weiliang (yes, I use that as my irl name since ‘justine’ doesn’t seem to fit with how I look like :p).

Yes im asian, wqcist :c

I dont, they call me keith and only keith
Funny enuf, amarite

Max ( @SmashDoesMC ) always calls me “Thidgmehn”

And my brother usually screams things like “faggot” and “lul” and “zak”

Lul = Dick Zak = Bag

Dutch lessons brought to you by Cookie inc.

People don’t really talk to me sooooo
I’m also asian, and I have no problem being called “Patrick” xD
People just call me ‘Harv’, or when I go back to asia my relatives call me shuangzhe
My IRL initials are CAL so my uncle calls me Callie
Time to find you doom

My real nicknames are: lion and lam…

Cuz lam means lamb and my irl name is liam… see the connection?

And lion cuz of the way some people pronounce my name

^What Nyx said

And yeah, I don’t really talk to many people, but when I do, they just call me Max

Joe. Boring I know. That rhymed. My poetry skills are sublime. Oh yes. These are working less and less. K I’ll stop.

t r i g g e r e d pointless replies brought to you by RedSheep inc.

==PS: this is my nick btw==

Daveese, dunno how, I think it had something to do with ree$e’s,
A real nickname, no. It’s either a joke name, or only my parents use it.

@SmashDoesMC mad max: 3x3 door

Also for a real nick that they call me irl, they call me nyx because fuck it, they all know me well enough

Some people actually call me PJ :o
I get called mail to…. (my name turned around)