Remote button

ArchivesFeature requests → Remote button


I often have to ask other people to push a button for me so I can see what happens in the redstone. With this feature request, I just want a command like /remotebutton which allows you to bind an item to a button. When you right click that tool, if you have build access, it will press the button.
Basically /pt? You could bind an item to //set redstoneblock when your build has a repeater input.
That’s not a button, that would be a one-way lever.
Use a monostable and worldedit. Use a redstone line. There’s too many ways of doing this already. We got other things to work on rn…
cough pt for tr would be nice
There is such a thing as making a wire AROUND a device so you can reach it from the other side…
^ that’s easier, do that
^ basically. But /pt expedites the process.

Just use worldedit. If you want it to be a lever, just place a redstone block when you want it on and stone when you want it off. If you want a button, just make a monostable and trigger it using the redstone block.

The point is, this feature is pretty useless, so -1.

How is this not closed, other feature requests or lol requests with more +1’s than this get denied