The names LC LC600
Off topic → Introduce yourself! → The names LC LC600
I live in England i moved here from Canada i have a brother and mom im 12 and my brothers 7 and my moms 36 we all love each other very much.I am also an
atheist #No gods
My likes:
Yo Mama Big ass lol jk
and finaly
Hardcore porn
no wifi
ignorant people
jahova wittnesses
This is my frav server because it is the only one that lets me show my true skill in redstone (none lol) Dico keep it up and keep Mojang out lol
im also a boy i need to change my pic
Screw you atheist.
Also, bit young for porn.
Don’t hate Jehovah’s Witnesses. Let them believe what they want
yup bai lc im deleting all my comments on here apart from this 1 :3
Ill just keep my 1 relevant comment
screw atheists bud why we gave you iphones and microsoft (Steve Jobs,Bill Gates)
True, but I hate apple and now I hate microsoft cos they bought mojang.
Mojang aproched microsoft
But m$ agreed
who wouldent
Ppl who dont have 2.5 bn USD aka most people.
still it means their buissness can expand wich means more money