What should we work on next?

RedstonerCommunity vote → What should we work on next?


After we’re done updating to 1.11, we’ll (hopefully) have more time to develop other features for Redstoner. Just remember that just because I post this now, that doesn’t mean any of these will come out soon. This is just so we know what we should focus on.

In-Game: https://www.strawpoll.me/11832613 Website: https://www.strawpoll.me/11832677

cough rest in peace gallery, never be forgotten

Too late for me to add but, yea.

If you’re willing to create the “map” of it, in sure staff would add it as a feature.

I think /p random is a thing in Parcels…. I should stop saying this because it’s still not on the server eks dee

Here’s a quick effort compilation of that list:

DS improvement (input linking): 20s IGNews: 2h Lol list max page number: 20s Alias working with more chats: 20s /p random: if not yet implemented: 5m AFK in tab: Depends on what we use, 5m - 30m /anvil, etc…: 5m /challenge: 1h /clearonjoin: 20s visitor message: useless but 10m auto tpa: 5m-20m depending on the integration with friends and whatnot

Soooo once we got things updated it’s only a matter of a few minutes for most of that. The big things we can think about later :P

Dico, was trying to not put any request they would be in Parcels. Or well

Pep, so theoretically those could be done in a day.

If someone got the motivation to do it, yes these could be done in a day

Wouldn’t /p random create a lot of lag…

Also there are a load of blank plots sooooo

Nyx how about you either look at the post or the description from the “Popular Requests” page.
Kinda did. It never got mentioned.
Basically it would be Builder+ plots (Which it does say), which gets rid of almost every empty plot.

Oh, I meant the lag issue for “never mentioned” lol. I never fully remember what I type

And adding to the first reply: the lag is by spamming /p random really quickly, loading and unloading chunks quickly

if only there was some sort of system to add a cooldown…
@minenash if I may ask about that ‘feature’ (Im guessing its the gallery), how big do you need the ‘gallery’ to be? If you need it not too big, I can build one in another 101x101 plot if anyone is willing to give one (my 3 plots - two is when I was MikeyMatic, one is my recent plot, three is just another old plot back when I was aceblade9. All of them are basically filled)
@GWJ_Derp the gallery is a separate world