Formatting problem?

ArchivesWebsite problems & bugs → Formatting problem?


Not actually sure what the fuck is happening.

What I expected

Wrote a forum reply on Redempt’s redstoner dark theme thread. I used the formatting for bold, **bold** but as part of a word, like so: wo**dr**

What actually happened

Instead of the text being bold, it was in italic with asterisks surrounding it. Wo*dr

Error message


Reproducing the bug

  1. Write a word, and have some letters that are grouped together in the formatting for bold text, like so: wor**d**
  2. Using the preview, it will show it in italic and with asterisks.

Link Please paste the link to the site where the bug occured


Additional details

I like turtles.

do inform me as to if this is actually a bug or not, I’m mostly just curious as to why it’s happening!