Let it snow
Archives → Website feature requests → Let it snow
For the winter, I’d like to see this on the website. Idk, its open source, I kinda like it, I’ll let others give opinions as well :3 🐱
+1 if it isn’t data consuming^(totally didn’t exceed my limit)
It’s was requested for the winter, not for Christmas. Winter litterly started 5 days ago.
Very tru, so I guess my vote remains
It shouldn’t be. It’s a single JavaScript file that only needs to be downloaded once, then it’s stored in your browser’s cache.
Das guud. But then there should be an option for turning it off tho.
If it CAN cause lag, it’d be cool if it was toggleable.
Either way, +1
No logal, silly :p I mean just turn it off in general if you feel like you’re starting to mistake the falling particles for dandruff or something xD
Bump, but as it’s already February, we might have to wait ’till next year.
blargh there also should be modes for snow
none : light : moderate : blizzard : SNOWSTORM^(entire page is white until you refresh)